Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Map pictures. Week 4

Title: Map of hood kitty island.
Size: 1 foot 4 inches by 1 foot no inches.

I used colored pencils and a mechanical pencil to make this.

I decided to draw a picture of the island where Hood kitties live. the map was so big and the details so small I took several picture to show it all.

To find out more about Hood kitties click here.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Week 1, art 1.

Title: Alone.
Size: 8 Inches by 11 inches.
This art work is showing a lone figure laying on some sort of bedding. It is meant to be a self portrait. I am trying to convey loneliness, depression, and general sadness. I drew this after getting in a fight with my sister and dad.