Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Week 9, art 1, perspective city.

Title: Welcome to the empire!~
Size: 8 inches by 11.5 inches.
Time taken to make: 3 hours

This part of the empire doesn't actually have color. it's inhabited by ghosts, spirits, and surreal beings. Any thing that enters it's boundaries loses color.

Yes I was being lazy and didn't want to color it. but I have a cool new place in my city.

Week 8, art 1, 2 point perspective.

I made this on the computer and not by hand, sorry.~
Title: In the beginning.
Made with: Paint.net
Time taken to make: 1 and a half hours.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Week 7, Art 1, earth art.

Title: Forest food
Made of: Clonckers, Lambs ear, trumpet flowers, trumpet seed pods, leafs, and some berries.
Time taken to make: 2 hours.

I wanted to make a fairy house, but I didn't have the right parts, so I tried a green man, but the wind....
So I made a fairy feast...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Week 5 Art 1 Weekly drawing TV or computer.

title: Wonder machine!
size: 6 inches by 6 inches.

I used a mechanical pencil to draw this. (I re-did it a lot.)

It's a sketch of my laptop computer. (Which I butchered...)

(This is why I draw organic things such as people and animals...) (I suck at drawing perspective...)